Proof Positive – Why We Need Sunlight
A detailed, scientific explanation of our need for sunlight by Dr. Neil Nedley, M.D. This excerpt on the necessity for daily sunlight exposure is taken from his highly aclaimed book Proof Positive.
A detailed, scientific explanation of our need for sunlight by Dr. Neil Nedley, M.D. This excerpt on the necessity for daily sunlight exposure is taken from his highly aclaimed book Proof Positive.
This article by Wayne Purdin presents an overview of the practice of sun gazing. With ancient roots in many world religions, sun gazing has resurfaced in 1992 when Hira Ratan Manek began teaching this powerful health tool. Learn about sun gazing and Wayne Purdin’s own experience with the power of sun gazing.
This information-packed article by Dr. Bernarr shares the remarkable discoveries of over a dozen health care practitioners throughout medical history, including Dr. Herbert Shelton, Dr. C. W. Saleeby, Arnold Rickli, Bernarr McFadden, Hippocrates. Part 1 of this article teaches that only sunburn has been shown to cause skin cancer, while proper sunbathing will heal skin cancer and remove wrinkles. Included is a list of over 50 health conditions that are improved by proper sunbathing.
PurLife Health & Research published an article sharing scientific research studies that show the ability of sunlight to regulate hormone growth to reduce mental illness and prevent disease, eliminate leukemia by improving gland health, and reverse tumor growth with proper full spectrum sunlight exposure.
This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.