Nourished Magazine: Sun Gazing

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The online publication Nourished Magazine. wisdom to thrive by posted this article that summaries the practice of sun gazing as is currently taught by Hira Ratan Manek, the famous sun gazer of India, and the history of sun gazing in ancient Europe, Greece, Egypt, India and the Americas. Learn how the sun affects the human body and brain and why cultures around the world have always honored the sun as a great source of biological and spiritual energy.

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The Sun as the Eye of the Universal Self by Swami Krishnananda

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Swami Krishnananda’s discourse on The Chhandogya Upanishad shares the teaching that surya, the Sun, is a popular symbol of the Absolute. The characteristics of the Supreme Self, the Atman, are similiar to the qualities of the Sun.

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Surya by Sri Chinmoy (part 2)

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This article by Sri Chinmoy shares the Hindu teachings on Surya, the Sun god, found in the Vedas and Upanishads of India.  Part 2 discusses the Purusha and Prakriti and their relationship to the inner and outer sun.

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Abodes of Surya – Arasavalli

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The Suryanarayana temple at Arasavalli in Andhra Pradesh, India is an ancient one built by the Kalinga rulers in the 1st millennium CE. It is believed that those with skin ailments, blindness and barrenness are miraculously cured of their afflictions upon offering worship at this temple.

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ART OF ASANA: Surya Namaskara

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Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) is one of the most ancient and respected Hatha Yoga practices. Surya Namaskar stretches and strengthens the entire body in one easy sequence of asanas (postures). More importantly, Surya Namaskara awakens and empowers the charkas (psychic energy centers) and nadhis (psychic energy pathways), while also deepening the breath and calming the mind. For thousands of years, Surya Namaskara was honored as one of the most sacred and powerful yoga practices.

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Abodes of Surya – Gaya Sun Temple

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The Dakshinaarka Sun temple at Gaya is associated with the rites for making offerings to ancestors. Gaya, India has been an ancient pilgrimage center since time immemorial.

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Living in India is a guru who feeds himself on sunlight – an ancient spiritual practice learned from yogis and saints. Suryaji is spreading a message of higher spiritual understanding, the message of Surya (Sun) Yoga.

“Human beings are accustomed to feeding themselves only with solid, liquid and gaseous elements and what do they do with the fourth element, Fire and Light? Nothing. They have not learnt how to sustain themselves with light and yet it is even more necessary than air. As long as he continues to nourish his brain only with solid, liquid or gaseous elements (which the brain needs the least), man’s understanding will be very limited. He may understand material things, but he will never be able to grasp the mysteries of the Universe”

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Abodes of Surya – Ranakpur Sun Temple

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The Sun Temple at Ranakpur is a magnificient structure in white soapstone. It is located in the vicinity of the grand Jain temple complex in Ranakpur in Rajasthan.

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Surya Swami: Believe in unconditional love

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Swami Surya presented at The Institute of Healing and Alternative Therapy.  Surya Swami said that negative thoughts can be removed through music therapy and unconditional love.

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The Brhadaranyaka Upanishad – Prayer to the Sun by a Dying Person

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The Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upanishad dates back to the 8th century BCE and is possibly the oldest text of the Upanishads, India’s spiritual teachings. This section of the text discusses the Soul’s experience after death, as it leaves the physical body and journeys into the sun on its way into the Supreme Absolute.

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Abodes of Suyra – Sun Temple at Unao

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The sun temple at Unao in Madhya Pradesh is an ancient one, believed to be associated with cures for skin ailments.

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Spiritual Yoga – Suryayog Sun yoga

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Suryayog is a dynamic spiritual yoga. Surya Swami, the founder of this natural technique to meditate and attain self-realisation has answers for the inner selves. He says that Suryayog takes us from Saguna Swaroop towards Nirguna Swaroop, which is from the human form to that of God.

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Abodes of Surya – Konark Sun Temple

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The Konark Sun temple is probably the best and most majestic specimen of temple art in Orissa, India, despite its ruined state. The Konark sun temple attracts thousands of visitor every year because of it’s magnificent architecture and historical significance.

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Here Comes the Sun: Surya Namaskar (2 of 2)

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That most familiar of asana sequences, Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) is as rich in symbolic and mythic overtones as it is in physical benefits. Part 2 of this article in Yoga Journal magazine teaches the asana sequence of Surya Namaskar and offers tips to deepen your yoga experience.

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Surya Savitri, Creator and Increaser by Sri Aurobindo

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Sri Aurbindo teaches the significance of Surya Savirti – the Sun God – in his book The Secret of the Veda.  Verse 81 of the Rig Veda teaches that Surya is the seer, the revealer.  Surya enlightens the mind and the thoughts with the illuminations of the Truth.

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Abodes of Surya – Surya Pahar

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The Surya Pahar temple is situated amongst several archaeological remains in Goalpara in Assam, India. This temple is an ancient center of sun worship that is literally an art gallery of Indian sculpture.

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Life Positive: Sun Yogi of India

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The incredible story of a man who has overcome the need to take food or water by absorbing energy directly from the sun through a system that he is now teaching. Learn about the Sun Yogi Umashanka in this Life Positive magazine story.

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History of Sun Temple at Konark, Orissa

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This professional YouTube video shares the significant history and amazing artwork of the Sun Temple at Konark in Orissa, India. This Sun Temple took 12 hundred artisans and architects 12 years to construct. Learn also about the curative powers of Suyra, the Hindu Sun god, and the legend of Samba, son of Lord Krishna, who was cured of leprosy by worshiping the sun.

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Surya Ayurveda: The Healing Science of the Sun

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The healing science of the Sun is one of the oldest sciences and medicines on this planet. This article teaches Surya Ayurveda – the healing science of the Sun. Read quotes from India’s oldest spiritual, health, medicine and religious books: the Vedas and learn how you can use the Sun (Surya) for your healing.

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Legends related to Surya

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Surya is the India god of the sun. Surya is often considered the highest god in the Vedas and the most important god to worship. This article summaries some of the stories and legends of Surya, the great Indian god of the sun.

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Seeing Beyond the Sun by Swami Nirmalananda Giri (part 1)

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This commentary on the Isha Upanishad by Swami Nirmalananda Giri discusses the significant of the sun in spiritual practice. The outer material aspects of the sun and the inner metaphysical aspects of the sun are discussed in detail. Part 1 discusses the six characteristics of the “golden orb” of the sun: physcial sunlight and it’s affects on the human body and pineal gland; sunlight prana; consciousness; mind; and atman or spiritual Self; and the evolutionary urge.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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