Vitamin D Physiology – 3 Types of Vitamin D

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There are many forms of Vitamin D – cholecalciferol, calcidiol, and calcitriol. This article by the Vitamin D Council explains the difference between these types of Vitamin D and shows how they affect the physiology of the human body.

This article has been removed from at the request of the Vitamin D Council.

May we all one day learn to share our love, light, and knowledge as freely as the Sun, whom shares itself without restriction to all of life upon this planet.

Can Working Indoors Give You Skin Cancer?

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Contrary to what you may have heard, appropriate sun exposure actually helps prevent the fatal type of skin cancer, melanoma. In fact, melanoma skin cancer, has been found to decrease with greater sun exposure, and can be increased by sunscreens. In fact, indoor workers get three to nine times LESS solar UV exposure than outdoor workers get, yet only indoor workers have increasing rates of melanoma — and the rates have been increasing since before 1940. Read this informative article to dispel the many myths of melanoma skin cancer.

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Sunblock Can Actually Increase Your Cancer Risk

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Research by Dr. Joseph Mercola shows that unnatural dietary habits are more likely the cause of skin cancer than sunlight exposure.  Futhermore, no conclusive evidence exists showing the sunblock has any effect on reducing changes of skin cancer.

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Sunbathing Helps You and Everyone (part 1)

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This information-packed article by Dr. Bernarr shares the remarkable discoveries of over a dozen health care practitioners throughout medical history, including Dr. Herbert Shelton, Dr. C. W. Saleeby, Arnold Rickli, Bernarr McFadden, Hippocrates. Part 1 of this article teaches that only sunburn has been shown to cause skin cancer, while proper sunbathing will heal skin cancer and remove wrinkles.  Included is a list of over 50 health conditions that are improved by proper sunbathing.

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Breakthrough Information You Need to Know About Vitamin D (part 2)

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In recent years vitamin D has emerged as a star of the “vitamin” world. There’s no question about it — vitamin D is garnering more excitement than any other vitamin out there, and deservedly so. Why all the enthusiasm? Read this article by Dr. Mercola to learn why.

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Vitamin D – Magic Medicine for Intelligence and Other Concerns?

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New studies have shown that vitamin D, the sunlight vitamin, increases cognitive performance, memory, and intelligence in men aged 40-79. Reduce the risk of cognitive impairment and increase your brain’s performance. This article by Brian Willett examines the modern studies and recommends more sunlight for people of every age.

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Lack of Sunshine Vitamin Linked to Cognitive Decline

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Research have linked vitamin D deficiency with cognitive impairment. A recent study shows that as levels of vitamin D goes down, cognitive impairment goes up.

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The Truth About Vitamin D Toxicity

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The Vitamin D Council was established to educate the public and professionals about Vitamin D Deficiency and its numerous associated diseases. This article answers the questions: Is Vitamin D toxic? How much Vitamin D is recommended?

This article has been removed from at the request of the Vitamin D Council.

May we all one day learn to share our love, light, and knowledge as freely as the Sun, whom shares itself without restriction to all of life upon this planet.

Fifteen facts you never knew about vitamin D and sunlight exposure.

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Dr. Michael Holick is one of the world’s foremost experts on vitamin D, sunlight and health. This interview by The Health Ranger Mike Adams shares 15 facts about sunlight and vitamin D that you may have never known.

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Lack of Sunshine Causes One Million Deaths a Year

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Research by the University of California shows that increasing sunlight and vitamin D intake will greatly reduce the risks of cancer and other debilitating diseases.

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Ray of sunshine gives brighter future with mental health

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A Melbourne University study has shown a link between depression and a lack of vitamin D, which is derived from exposure to sunlight. Exposure to sunlight is the most efficient way for the body to produce vitamin D, as little is found in food. A few minutes’ exposure each day during the summer and two to three hours per week during winter, is enough to maintain most people’s vitamin D levels.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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