Vitamin D proven far better than vaccines at preventing influenza infections

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New research is showing that Vitamin D can be used as an effective method to prevent influenza. A recent study at Jikei University School of Medicine Minato-ku in Tokyo found that Vitamin D was 800% more effective than vaccines at preventing influenza infections in children. Numerous other studies have also found that Vitamin D significantly reduces asthma in children.

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Surya by Sri Chinmoy (part 2)

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This article by Sri Chinmoy shares the Hindu teachings on Surya, the Sun god, found in the Vedas and Upanishads of India.  Part 2 discusses the Purusha and Prakriti and their relationship to the inner and outer sun.

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Skin Cancer/Sunscreen – the Dilemma – video

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Does sunscreen really prevent cancer? Get the facts in this 46 minute lecture by Dr. Edward Gorham of the University of California Sand Diego.

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Herbert Shelton: The Hygienic System: Sun Bathing

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Herbert Shelton revitalized the Natural Hygiene health system in the early 20th century. Natural Hygiene is health system that teaches that perfect health comes from living in harmony with nature and the natural laws of the human body. In this excerpt from his book The Hygienic System, Vol III: Fasting and Sun Bathing, Herbert Shelton teaches the importance of sunbathing and shares the deep history of sunbathing found in many cultures for hundreds of years.

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Monster Sunspot Threatens to Unleash Solar Flares

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Today, NASA scientists announced the formation of a new giant sunspot on the Sun’s surface. This sunspot will be large enough for amateur telescopes to see. Scientists expect a new series of solar flares to emerge soon.

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The Mysteries of the Sun – Zarathustra

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In his audio book The SOLution, Wayne Purdin presents the history of sun gazing and sun worship, starting in Ancient Egypt and continuing through the 21st century. This article features the spiritual teacher Zarathustra or Zoroaster, founder of the religion Zoroastrianism

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Snatam Kaur – Long Time Sun

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On her 2004 music album Grace, Snatam Kaur, an American-born Sikh, sings this beautiful mantra to the sacred Sun. ‘May The Long Time Sun’ is a traditional Scottish song that has become a mantra used at Kundalini Yoga classes around the world.

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The Truth About Sunlight, Cancer and Vitamin D (video)

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Mike Adams, The Health Ranger, shares his own perspective on the connection between sunlight, vitamin D and skin cancer. Learn what research and science Mike Adams uses to exposure the myth that sunlight causes skin cancer in this 23 minute video.

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The Influence of the Solar Energy by Peter Deunov (part 1)

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Peter Deunov, the master teacher of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, teaches in this article how the sun’s energy can heal various parts of our physical bodies and increase our overall health. This articles looks in depth at the seasons and daylight hours, teaching how the changing levels of sunlight affect different parts of the body.

“All the world renders homage to me and I render homage to the Master Peter Deunov from Bulgaria.” -Albert Einstein

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The Hidden Reality of Solar Light (part 1)

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This article by Dr. Mitchell Gibson tells how the hidden nature of sunlight holds an important key to higher human evolution. Part 1 of this article looks at the five major components of Sunlight: Information Factors, Universal Forces, Energetic Factors, Evolutionary Factors, and Enlightenment Factors.

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Life Style Without Food ebook

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Breatharian researcher and author Joachim M Werdin presents a detailed look at the process of becoming a breatharian – a person who lives on cosmic light/prana/chi/ether.  

The motto of this book: I am the Consciousness and everything else is my creation.

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Review Supports Safety of Much Higher Vitamin D Intake

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The amounts of vitamin D generated by the sun are much higher than we can get from foods – reaching 20,000 International Units (IU) in about 20 minutes. With recent research affirming the ability of higher levels of vitamin D to prevent cancer and improve bone health, many experts have been calling for the US government to raise the recommended daily allowance (RDA) dramatically, from 400 IU to 1,000 IU or even 2,000 IU. Read the rest of this entry »

Live Your Mastery Now Workshop with Akahi & Camila in Sedona, AZ

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Breatharians Akahi and Camila Salas will be holding 3 events in Sedona, Arizona from June 28 – July 11. Events includes 90 minute seminar about breatharianism, 1 day workshop for deeper knowledge and techniques for breatharianism, and a 8 day breatharian-guided pranic process. It is very rare that a breatharian holds events like this.

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Sungazing and solar alchemy course offered by Meru University

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Meru University will be offering the Solar Health; Solar Wealth, a weekly online webinar course about that teaches the spiritual science behind sungazing, sunbathing, color and light therapy, and solar alchemy. You will be taught advanced techniques of sungazing, meditation, opening the third eye, color therapy, precipitating ORMUS or solar gold into your blood along with divine qualities, and solar alchemy for the manifestation of desires.

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Home Bare Foot Walking

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This short article by lists many of the health benefits of barefoot walking. New research is now confirming what our ancestors knew for thousands of years – barefoot walking has many positive effects on our physical, mental and emotional health.

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Sun Yoga Workshop with Umasankar in Germany – Sept 23-25, 2011

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This September 2011, world famous Sunyogi Umasankar will be presenting his first ever workshop in Germany.  Learn the ancient 13 step Sun Yoga process as taught by Sunyogi Umashankar.  Learn how you can gather more sun energy into your body better health, spiritual purification, and immortality.

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Your Immortal Body of Light by Mitchell Gibson, M.D.

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Psychiatrist and spiritual teacher Mitchell Gibson, M.D. shares the story of David Steindl-Rast and Father Tiso in their search for the Tibetan masters who have demonstrated a spiritual phenomenon known as the “rainbow body”. This remarkable story forms the introduction to Mitchell Gibson’s book Your Immortal Body of Light which cites many historical examples of humans who have manifested the “light body”.

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ART OF ASANA: Surya Namaskara

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Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) is one of the most ancient and respected Hatha Yoga practices. Surya Namaskar stretches and strengthens the entire body in one easy sequence of asanas (postures). More importantly, Surya Namaskara awakens and empowers the charkas (psychic energy centers) and nadhis (psychic energy pathways), while also deepening the breath and calming the mind. For thousands of years, Surya Namaskara was honored as one of the most sacred and powerful yoga practices.

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Dr. Sunny Sandhu featured on A World of Wonders TV show

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On September 6, 2011 at 6:45 pm, the children’s television show A World of Wonders will feature Dr. Sunny Sandhu, prominent member of The Sun Society in India.

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Benefits of Sunlight: A Bright Spot for Human Health 8

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Serotonin, Melatonin, and Daylight are the focus of Part 8 of Benefits of Sunlight. Learn how sunlight exposure affects the human body’s chemical balance and brain chemistry. Learn how the sunlight received by the pineal gland in brain affects the body’s circadian rhythms. Learn how proper daylight exposure creates a restful sleep by understanding the serotonin and melatonin relationship.

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Abodes of Surya – Arasavalli

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The Suryanarayana temple at Arasavalli in Andhra Pradesh, India is an ancient one built by the Kalinga rulers in the 1st millennium CE. It is believed that those with skin ailments, blindness and barrenness are miraculously cured of their afflictions upon offering worship at this temple.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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