We come from the Sun, We return to the Sun

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In his Coast to Coast AM radio interview, psychologist Christopher Holmes discusses his “most mind-boggling” subject – that humans beings are spiritual beings that come from the sun and return to the sun at death.

We come from the Sun, We return to the Sun

Psychologist Christopher Holmes discussed the physics and metaphysics of higher consciousness and the mysteries of the heart.

People have a divine spark within the heart, a kind of “zero point” center that corresponds to ideas in new science, he said. Humans work on the same physics that are applied to the universe, he explained, and consciousness is not just in the head but all through the body, and may be related to blood flow.

We exist in interpenetrating dimensions, and according to the esoteric teachings of luminaries such as H.P. Blavatsky, there are seven dimensions that include the physical, astral, and mental realms. The inner self comes down out of the higher dimensions– one such higher realm is the sun, which is inhabited in the form of “fire bodies,” he detailed, adding that a “paradise level” of spiritual existence might reside in Earth’s upper atmosphere.

Holmes was critical of film projects such as The Secret, because of its focus on thoughts-creating-reality. He stressed that the heart or feeling aspect gives form to attributes. He also commented that the movie placed too much emphasis on material rather than mystical goals.

Dr. Christopher Holmes is a clinical and forensic psychologist, who has worked as a professor at York University in Toronto and also worked for several years in the Ontario Correctional system. He now dedicates himself full time to Zero Point, an Institute for Mystical and Spiritual Science. Christopher has investigated the enigmas of human consciousness, the mysteries of the heart, paranormal and psychic phenomena, and the dynamics of creation for over thirty years.

He has arrived at a unique synthesis of esoteric and mystical teachings with the study of modern psychology and science.
This includes a way of approaching the physics and metaphysics of human consciousness, and of understanding our own higher dimensional origins. Christopher also hosts a two hour biweekly internet radio show on Saturday afternoons 1-3 Pacific Time at bbsradio.com

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmxKTp_g7SQ


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Mary Hession said:

on August 11th, 2010

Brilliant! ๐Ÿ˜‰


Cesar Brauer said:

on October 25th, 2010

wonderful video. I ‘imagine’ the Sun ‘we see and feel the heat light from is the physical aspect of a vortex between the 3D and the higher dimensions … I imagine that the Sun IS the channel through which we ‘receive’ Life forces from those higher sources … I imagine that the sources are not ‘linearly’ related to the Sun (and us) but that they all ‘converge in to the 3D through stars like our Sun. Thank you!!


Bruno Faustino said:

on April 28th, 2011

This is very interesting. “We come from the Sun”. I became curious about sun gazing because of its spiritual background and spiritual implications and indeed I now sun gaze whenever I can, not thinking about the physical benefits, but for the joy of the meditation it offers. A lot of feelings, and intuitions, come to me when I sun gaze, e.g., the fact that the sun is “still”, so to speak, yet full of power; the fact that when I sun gaze I experience contradictory feelings of attraction/repulsion; the sensation of a Self-Sufficient dynamism in and out, spiritual and physical (that is to me the joy of sun gazing) etc, etc… in the overall, Iยดm very happy for having brought sun-gazing to my knowledge, because like I said, to me it is a very rewarding (if not else) spiritual practice. Blessings! ๐Ÿ™‚


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