Possible 75% cancer mortality reduction with Vitamin D (video)

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In a new study, researchers used a complex computer prediction model to determine that intake of vitamin D3 and calcium would prevent 58,000 new cases of breast cancer and 49,000 new cases of colorectal cancer annually in the U.S. and Canada. The researchers’ model also predicted that 75 percent of deaths from these cancers could be prevented with adequate intake of vitamin D3 and calcium.

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Jasmuheen at the Raw Spirit Festival, Sedona 2007 video

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In 2007, pranic nourishment researcher Jasmuheen presented at Sedona’s Raw Spirit Festival. This 10 minute video shows Jasmuheen speaking on using pranic energy (prana, chi, qi) to feed the physical body, emotional body, and mental body. The sun is one of the most powerful and easily available sources of prana. In this video Jasmuheen shares with us other ways to be nourished by prana energy.

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Sunlight and Cancer Risk video

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This Natural News TV video teaches about the body’s many needs for adequate sunlight exposure. Learn about the relationship between the Sun and four elements of life – earth, air, fire, water – and the how our body responds to natural sunlight by creating Vitamin D.

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Jasmuheen Interview with Paula Gloria – video

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This 32 minute long video interview features Jasmuheen, a world famous pranic nourisher. Since the early 1970’s, Jasmuheen has been researching and experimenting with ancient, alternative nourishment sources that can feed us all – including breatharianism. Jasmuheen teaches that there is a free, limitless inner resource that can release us from many perceived human limitations. This energy source is prana.

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Akahi, a Breatharian in Vilcabamba – video

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Akahi is a breatharian who lives in Ecuador, South America. In March 2008, Akahi became a breatharian after a process of changing his diet and raising his body’s vibration. This video interview shares some of Akahi’s own ideas about the breatharian process and the future potential of humanity, including our changing DNA structure.

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CNN: Japan’s ‘Spacey’ New First Lady Miyuki Hatoyama ‘Eats the Sun’

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It is remarkable news when spirituality enters politics and the news media covers it. In this CNN report, Japan’s First Lady Miyuki Hatoyama is shown in a video interview where she states that her and her husand, Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, “eat the sun”. Miyuki Hatoyama goes on to say that she travels out of body and has visited the planet Venus.

In 2010, TIME magazine’s “Time 100” elected Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama as No. 6 among the 100 most influential people in the world. Can the future of humanity be a sun gazing culture once again?

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Joachim Werdin: Experiencing a Breatharian Lifestyle

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Meet Joachim Werdin, a former Polish breatharian who dedicates his life to sharing and disseminating information on human health, especially the breatharian lifestyle. Joachim had lived food-free for almost two years. During an interview with Supreme Master Television, Joachim shared his knowledge on living on light.

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Sungazing – The benefits! video

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Watch this 7 minute video from Natural News TV which shares one man’s experience with Sun Gazing. Learn how Magnus Mulliner, of the UK, has been sun gazing since 2005 and has experience many remarkable benefits – including eye sight improvement. Magnus Mulliner’s eyesight has improved from 20/20 to 20/12 feet – the U.K. equivalent of improving from 6/6 to 6/3.8 meters. Mangus has tested his vision regularly since sun gazing and noticed that his eyesight continues to get stronger. The world record for best eyesight is 6/3.5 meters. In a few years, maybe Magnus can break this record!

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Solar Roadways Present at TEDx Sacramento

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On April 16, 2010 Solar Roadways inventor Scott Brusaw presented at the TEDx Sacramento. In this 18-minute video, Scott Brusaw introduces us to his Solar Roadways project, how it works, how it can change our planet, and why we need it. Solar Roadways are the next greatest change in transportation and electricity. Let’s support Scott Brusaw and Solar Roadways in his goal to improve our world.

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Connection with Vitamin D and Cancer – video

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Donald Trump, MD of Rosewell Park Cancer Institute presents a 46 minutes lecture titled Vitamin D Deficiency: Analysis and Approach in a Comprehensive Cancer Center. Learn how Vitamin D has been used to treat many forms of cancer and to prevent new cancers from developing.

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Sungazing & Beyond video

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Watch Daniel Vitalis share his understanding of how Sun Gazing affects the pineal gland. Learn how throughout history human beings have always gathered around and looked at sources of electromagnetism (light). The earliest man looked at the stars and Sun together. This then changed to people gathering around fires, then home fireplaces, then the radio, then the television and now the computer. Daniel shares that it is natural for humanity to be attracted to looking at light sources.

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Indian Man Lives Seven Decades Without Food or Water

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In April & May 2010, Indian scientists studied Prahlad Jani – a yogi who claims to have lived for 70 years without food or water. Watch this video clip by NTDTV which features interviews by doctors who have studied Prahlad Jani – a breatharian yogi and medical mystery.

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Jericho Sunfire: The Process: My Fruitarian Initiation

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Jericho Sunfire achieved the breatharian state after a process of body detoxification through dietary changes.  Jericho Sunfire began his process by following fruitarian diet, changing to a liquidarian diet, and then moving into the food-free and water-free breatharian state.  In the first part of Jericho Sunfire’s The Process video series, Jericho teaches how he began practicing the fruitarian diet. He describes the difficulties he faced with detoxification and food addiction, and the amazing benefits he achieved during his fruitarian initiation.

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Between Master and Disciples: Akahi: A Breatharian from Ecuador

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Supreme Master Television, created a weekly series on breatharianism. These television shows feature a different breatharian and method of prana energy nourishment in each video episode. This video of the Between Master and Disciple Breatharian series features Akahi, a man who lives on the energy of Love.

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Eat the Sun (video)

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Released today, Eat the Sun is a film that follows one man’s journey of sun gazing. This videos features reknowned sun gazer Hira Ratan Manek, and shares insights from other practicing sun gazes in the United States.

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Hira Ratan Manek video interview

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On August 7, 2007, Hira Ratan Manke (HRM) sat for a video interview in Ashland, Oregon. In this 24 minute long interview HRM explains the practice of sun gazing, provides a brief history of the practice, and shares some of science’s recent finding about this amazing solar food.

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In the Beginning There Was Light – movie

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On September 17, 2010, P.A. Straubinger, an Austrian film maker, released his new movie In the Beginning There Was Light. This movie teaches us about the human ability to live on light or prana. In recent years, many people around our world have come forward to share with humanity their ability to live without eating food, a practice called inedia, solar nutrition, breatharianism or pranic nourishment. Watch the film’s new trailer here at Sunlightenment.

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We come from the Sun, We return to the Sun

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In his Coast to Coast AM radio interview, psychologist Christopher Holmes discusses his “most mind-boggling” subject – that humans beings are spiritual beings that come from the sun and return to the sun at death.

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Vitamin D and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention – video

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UCSD School of Medicine and GrassrootsHealth present this 46 minute video lecture by David Sane, MD – Associate Professor Internal Medicine-Cardiology Wake Forest University Health Sciences. Dr. Sane discusses how sunlight and vitamin D prevent cardiovascular health problems – particularly heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke and hypertension.

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Changes in the Sun Change You – video

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This 10 minute YouTube video by sacredsarrah teaches the scientific connection between the Sun, the Earth, and you. Learn how changes in the Sun – such as sunspots, solar winds, and solar flares – change the atmosphere of the Earth. This results in changes on the surface of the earth – including the ocean tides, earth quakes, volcanic activity. And changes in humanity – such as periods of war and conflict, as well as peace and harmony and spiritual growth. Learn more about our connection to the Sun in this YouTube video.

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Henri Monfort: A Breatharian Shaman – video

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In March and April 2010, Supreme Master TV broadcast a 4-part video interview with Henri Monfort, a breatharian Shaman living in France. In this video interview, learn about Henri Monfort’s spiritual journey to the breatharian state.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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