Om is the essence of the evolutionary solar energies

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Swami Nirmalananda Giri teaches us many ancient yoga secrets in his book Om Yoga – Its Theory and Practice. In the section called “Om is the essence of the evolutionary solar energies”, Swami Nirmalananda Giri references the ancient spiritual texts of Inida, the Upanishads, to teach us that “Sunlight is the radiant form of Om, so the sun initiates the entire solar system into Om. Human beings are solar creatures, therefore to intone Om is the most natural thing they can do. The japa and meditation of Om aligns us with the solar powers that are Om and thereby greatly increase our life force and the evolution of all the levels of our being.”

Om Yoga – Its Theory and Practice: Om is the essence of the evolutionary solar energies

by Swami Nirmalananda Giri

Om is the source of creation and evolution

“The Cosmic Spirit utters Om and by pure will creates the various objects.” (Yoga Vashishtha

Om is the essence of the evolutionary solar energies

The life-producing energies of the sun are the energies of Om. Om is the sun of body, mind, and spirit, the Life-Giver of all. All plant, animal, and human life on this planet depends upon the sun. It is the subtle powers of sunlight which stimulate growth and evolution. The sun truly awakens us in the deepest sense. As the germinating seed struggles upward toward the sun and out into its life-giving rays, so all higher forms of life reach out for the sun, which acts as a metaphysical magnet, drawing them upward and outward toward ever-expanding consciousness. Sunlight is the radiant form of Om, so the sun initiates the entire solar system into Om. Human beings are solar creatures, therefore to intone Om is the most natural thing they can do.

“Now, verily, what is the udgitha is the Om. What is Om is the udgitha. And so verily, the udgitha is the yonder sun and the Om, for the sun is continually sounding ‘Om.’” (Chandogya Upanishad 1.5.1) The most significant part of this verse is the statement that “the sun is continually sounding ‘Om,’” indicating that the evolutionary energy of the sun is a manifestation of Om. Our life depends on the light of the sun, thus our life is also a manifestation of the power of Om. The japa and meditation of Om aligns us with the solar powers that are Om and thereby greatly increase our life force and the evolution of all the levels of our being.

“Even as a great extending highway runs between two villages, this one and that yonder, even so the rays of the sun go to both these worlds, this one and that yonder. They start from the yonder sun and enter into the nadis [astral “nerves”]. They start from the nadis and enter into the yonder sun. …When a man departs from this body, then he goes upwards by these very rays or he goes up with the thought of Om. As his mind is failing, he goes to the sun. That, verily, is the gateway of the world, an entering in for the knowers, a shutting out for the non-knowers.” (Chandogya Upanishad 8.6.2,5)



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One Comment

Bruno Faustino said:

on November 5th, 2010

Thank you for sharing the wisdom of Yoga and Hinduism with the world. It´s a very interesting and intriguing discipline 🙂


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