New Sungazing Book – The Essence of SunYoga by Sunyogi Umasankar

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World famous teacher of sun gazing and spiritual enlightenment, Sunyogi Umasankar, has just released his first book on the practice of sun yogi. Get your book now and learn a most powerful spiritual method for awakening.

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Sun Yoga and its Healing Aspects

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Qigong master Richard B. Serrano shares the health benefits of sunlight and Sun Yoga practice in this article from Your Spiritual Revolution eMagazine.

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The Sun as the Eye of the Universal Self by Swami Krishnananda

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Swami Krishnananda’s discourse on The Chhandogya Upanishad shares the teaching that surya, the Sun, is a popular symbol of the Absolute. The characteristics of the Supreme Self, the Atman, are similiar to the qualities of the Sun.

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Kriya of Surya Namaskar by Yogi Manmoyanand (part 2)

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In his book Sivananda Buried Yoga, Yogi Manmoyanand writes about the secret kriya of surya namaskar and the deeper spiritual science the sun salutation uses to empower to chakras and energy levels of the human body. The information in Sivananda Buried Yoga was taken from Yogi Manmoyanad’s journey in the Himalayan Mountains and residence with a secret group of highly evolved yogis. The spiritual knowledge that Yogi Manmoyanad teaches in his book is difficult to find elsewhere and of great value to any serious spiritual practitioner, sun gazer and yogi.

This post features an excerpt from Sivananda Buried Yoga that teaches the traditional spiritual kriya of surya namaskar in a way that has been lost from modern yoga practice. Learn the purpose and power of the surya namasakar positions, mantras and chakras. Learn how the yoga kriya surya namaskar is designed to help the human body attract, store and use solar energy for its function.

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Sun Meditation by Uma Sankar

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Uma Sankar is a well-known sun yogi in India. Uma Sankar practices sun gazing as a traditional yogi, using discipline and concentration achieve full enlightenment – union with the Supreme Soul. This article shares the method taught by Uma Sanakar.

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Surya by Sri Chinmoy (part 2)

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This article by Sri Chinmoy shares the Hindu teachings on Surya, the Sun god, found in the Vedas and Upanishads of India.  Part 2 discusses the Purusha and Prakriti and their relationship to the inner and outer sun.

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Sun Yoga Workshop with Umasankar in Germany – Sept 23-25, 2011

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This September 2011, world famous Sunyogi Umasankar will be presenting his first ever workshop in Germany.  Learn the ancient 13 step Sun Yoga process as taught by Sunyogi Umashankar.  Learn how you can gather more sun energy into your body better health, spiritual purification, and immortality.

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ART OF ASANA: Surya Namaskara

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Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) is one of the most ancient and respected Hatha Yoga practices. Surya Namaskar stretches and strengthens the entire body in one easy sequence of asanas (postures). More importantly, Surya Namaskara awakens and empowers the charkas (psychic energy centers) and nadhis (psychic energy pathways), while also deepening the breath and calming the mind. For thousands of years, Surya Namaskara was honored as one of the most sacred and powerful yoga practices.

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CHANNEL 4 Sunyogi Umashankar Interview (video)

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Sunyogi Umashankar is one of India’s most well known sun gazers and yogis. In 1995, Umashankar began his sun gazing practice after noticing how the rising sun gave him energy during his morning meditations. In just over 1 year, Sunyogi Umashankar successfully stopped eating physical food and lived on sunlight energy alone. In this 2010 video interview, Sunyogi Umashankar speaks about his experience with sun gazing, breatharianism, and yoga.

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Suryayog can cure chronic diseases

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In this The Times of India article, Surya Swami said that constant practice of “Suryayog” cures several chronic diseases like heart problems, depression, blood pressure and phobias which are a result of materialistic society. The general secretary of International Naturopathy Organisation has said that thousands of people have so far been cured by worshipping the Sun.

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Researchers Find Miracles in Yogi’s Fasting

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Prahlad Jani, a breatharian yogi, has been studied twice by medical doctors and scientists – once in 2003 and again in 2010. During these strict studies, Prahlad Jani demonstrated that he does not eat food or drink water. Also, Prahlad Jani did not urine or defecate during these studies. Modern science has difficulty explaining this yogi’s abilities and call it a “miracle in the science.”

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Basic Principles for Sunyoga by Uma Sankar

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The sun yogi Uma Sankar teaches 3 necessary principles – steps that must be taken by anyone before they begin the spiritual path of Sun Yoga: Yama, Nyama, and Asana. Learn how these principles work together to create the foundation of a successful Sun Yoga practice.

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Surya Swami: Believe in unconditional love

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Swami Surya presented at The Institute of Healing and Alternative Therapy.  Surya Swami said that negative thoughts can be removed through music therapy and unconditional love.

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Spiritual Yoga – Suryayog Sun yoga

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Suryayog is a dynamic spiritual yoga. Surya Swami, the founder of this natural technique to meditate and attain self-realisation has answers for the inner selves. He says that Suryayog takes us from Saguna Swaroop towards Nirguna Swaroop, which is from the human form to that of God.

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The Mysteries of the Sun – Introduction to Sun Gazing

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In his audio book The SOLution, Wayne Purdin presents the history of sun gazing and sun worship, starting in Ancient Egypt and continuing through the 21st century. This article features the introduction to the spiritual practice of Sun Gazing.

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Here Comes the Sun: Surya Namaskar (2 of 2)

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That most familiar of asana sequences, Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) is as rich in symbolic and mythic overtones as it is in physical benefits. Part 2 of this article in Yoga Journal magazine teaches the asana sequence of Surya Namaskar and offers tips to deepen your yoga experience.

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Kundalini Maha Yoga – Hita Nadi connects to the Sun

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In his book Shakti: An Introduction to Kundalini Maha Yoga, Shri Dhyanyogi Madhusudandas briefly mentions that the human being is connected to the sun via the energy channel called the Hita nadi. Shri Dhyanyogi Madhusudandas was a Kundalini Yoga master who performed miracles and lived to the age of 116.

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Surya Savitri, Creator and Increaser by Sri Aurobindo

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Sri Aurbindo teaches the significance of Surya Savirti – the Sun God – in his book The Secret of the Veda.  Verse 81 of the Rig Veda teaches that Surya is the seer, the revealer.  Surya enlightens the mind and the thoughts with the illuminations of the Truth.

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Surya Ayurveda: The Healing Science of the Sun

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The healing science of the Sun is one of the oldest sciences and medicines on this planet. This article teaches Surya Ayurveda – the healing science of the Sun. Read quotes from India’s oldest spiritual, health, medicine and religious books: the Vedas and learn how you can use the Sun (Surya) for your healing.

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Life Positive: Sun Yogi of India

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The incredible story of a man who has overcome the need to take food or water by absorbing energy directly from the sun through a system that he is now teaching. Learn about the Sun Yogi Umashanka in this Life Positive magazine story.

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The Yogic Aspect of the Sun Salutation

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The Surya Namaskar is considered to be the complete embodiment of Hathayoga, Mantra Yog and Bhakti yoga. It is a complete exercise for the culturing of both mind and body. In just twelve steps asana, pranayama, shuddhi kriya, bandha and mudra are completely included along with prayerful devotion.  Learn how this simple yoga practice has been proven to be one of the world’s most complete exercises.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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