Sun Yoga for Body, Mind and Soul – online course at New Wisdom University

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In this four week course, learn the history of Sun Yoga, the science of sunlight and the human body, and techniques to utilize sunlight energy in the human body.

In this course, we will present not only the basics of sungazing, sunbathing, drinking sun-charged water, and barefoot walking but also explore scientific research and theories behind their benefits. We’ll examine the widespread and long-standing history of this solar science and advanced techniques that can lead to personal transformation and enlightenment.

In the first session, you will receive simple instructions on these four techniques of sun imbibing so that you can begin practicing the following day. We will also cover information on optional tools and aids that will help with practice. You’ll leave with a good understanding of how to practice sungazing without the normal doubts or any confusion about how to practice safely. You will be given the opportunity to participate in one or more scientific studies on the effects of sungazing. 

In the second session, we will begin with an open discussion of people’s experiences with their sungazing practice during the week, discussing any difficulties that were encountered. A lecture will follow on the scientific research and theories that explain some of the benefits of sungazing, sunbathing and barefoot walking. Also covered will be some of the history of the use of sunlight for healing of mind and body. By the end of this session, you will be able to explain logically why it is desirable to sungaze and sunbathe at certain times of the day and to walk barefoot and drink sun-charged water. 

In the third session, our opening discussion will focus on learner’s experiences, including mental, emotional and spiritual effects. Our lecture will cover one branch of the solar science, which began in ancient Egypt with Pharaoh Thutmose III and his great grandson Akhenaton, and was carried on through Moses, Solomon, Jesus and the Gnostics, through the Dark Ages to Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov in the last century. Today there are several exponents of Sun Yoga, mostly in India, but Hira Ratan Manek (HRM) is the only one who is bringing the science to the West where he is allowing scientists to study him. We will end with the story of how he found his mission. By the end of this session you will have a greater appreciation for the long tradition of solar science as it has come out of the mystery schools, and the teachings of modern masters Omraam and HRM. 

In the final session, after our discussion, Wayne Purdin will discuss advanced techniques taught by Omraam, Qi Gong masters, and others that can, with consistent practice, increase the light in the aura; that way you can radiate light, love and life to others. These techniques are not recommended for beginners, so you will be given information only to encourage your future practice. You will have begun a sacred adventure and will hopefully be motivated to continue practicing regularly so that you can experience the spiritual results of advanced techniques down the road. You will also be encouraged to continue with the scientific study for a period of one year.


New Wisdom University is online University run by Dr. Rev. Dawn Covington, Ed.D.  This online course is taught by Wayne Purdin, author of The SOLution and the Sun Gazzette newsletter.  For more information visit: 



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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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