New Sungazing Book – The Essence of SunYoga by Sunyogi Umasankar

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World famous teacher of sun gazing and spiritual enlightenment, Sunyogi Umasankar, has just released his first book on the practice of sun yogi. Get your book now and learn a most powerful spiritual method for awakening.

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Sun Yoga and its Healing Aspects

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Qigong master Richard B. Serrano shares the health benefits of sunlight and Sun Yoga practice in this article from Your Spiritual Revolution eMagazine.

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Sunyogi Umashankar announces his 2012 Europe Tour schedule

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After a very successful first-ever event in Europe last September, Sunyogi Umashankar will return to multiple European countries to teach the ancient science of sun yoga – a synthesis of sun gazing, deep meditation, acupressure, and more. See the schedule of events here.

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Sun Meditation by Uma Sankar

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Uma Sankar is a well-known sun yogi in India. Uma Sankar practices sun gazing as a traditional yogi, using discipline and concentration achieve full enlightenment – union with the Supreme Soul. This article shares the method taught by Uma Sanakar.

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Sun Yoga Workshop with Umasankar in Germany – Sept 23-25, 2011

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This September 2011, world famous Sunyogi Umasankar will be presenting his first ever workshop in Germany.  Learn the ancient 13 step Sun Yoga process as taught by Sunyogi Umashankar.  Learn how you can gather more sun energy into your body better health, spiritual purification, and immortality.

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2012 Sun Yogi Umashankar Workshops in Europe

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Stefan Strecker announced the 2012 schedule for Sun Yogi Umashankar’s European workshops. The sun yoga workshops occur in March and April 2012. The countries of Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, and Austria have events scheduled.

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Sun Yoga- Workshop with Sun Yogi Umasankar in Europe, September 2011

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Sun gazer Stefan Strecker has just announced a Sun Yoga workshop with the world famous Sun Yogi Umasankar. The workshop is scheduled for September 2011 in Europe. Please visit his Sun Gazing Germany website to learn more and vote to select the exact location of this Sun Gazing workshop.

Sun Yogi Umashankar book to be printed – Donations requested

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Hello Sun gazers! Sun Yogi Umashankar’s first book is ready to print. Donations and loans are being requested to help fund the publication costs. If interested supporting sun gazing and sun yoga, please Read the rest of this entry »

Basic Principles for Sunyoga by Uma Sankar

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The sun yogi Uma Sankar teaches 3 necessary principles – steps that must be taken by anyone before they begin the spiritual path of Sun Yoga: Yama, Nyama, and Asana. Learn how these principles work together to create the foundation of a successful Sun Yoga practice.

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Life Positive: Sun Yogi of India

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The incredible story of a man who has overcome the need to take food or water by absorbing energy directly from the sun through a system that he is now teaching. Learn about the Sun Yogi Umashanka in this Life Positive magazine story.

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Endocrine Secretions During Sungazing

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This article by Wayne Purdin examines how the pineal and other endocrine glands secrete other hormones during sungazing, which create not just a high, but greater energy, longevity and experiences of samadhi or higher consciousness.

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Who is Sunyogi Umasankar?

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One of India’s well known Sun Gazing yogis, Umasankar has discovered a method of absorbing energy directly from the sun, removing the need to eat, drink or sleep. Learn more about who this Sunyogi is and how he discovered the spiritual practice of Sun Gazing.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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